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WASH Coordinator Written Test

 WASH Coordinator


Q1:  What is your understanding on Community Mobilization and its basic principles? Plz list down the steps of the participation ladder? What is the basic indicator of Community empowerment? What is basic difference between PHAST, CATS & CLTS approach?  20 marks.


Q2:  What is your understanding about Conflict Sensitive project management? Being a WASH Coordinator, you need to deal with different WASH projects. Most of the projects are of 01 year. After your joining to this position, you observed that one of the project burn rate is only 10% after 06 months of the project. Your Field Manager has raised the issue very seriously. Being a WASH Coordinator what will be your further steps to ensure 100% burn rate with maintaining quality by the end of the project? 20 marks.


Q3: How does WASH impacts in reducing malnutrition? Why gender & protection mainstreaming is important in WASH activities?  Plz list down 03 Quality Bench mark indicators of Hygiene promotion issues following SPHERE standard? 10



1/ What are the parameters that effect specifying the water point distribution to insure all targeted beneficiaries can get the adequate quantities of safe water timely as per SPHERE standards?


2/ what are the three recommended chlorine solution concentrations to be used in the DTC ? What are the purpose of each solution ?



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