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 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan

A monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan is a document that outlines how an organization will track and assess the progress and effectiveness of a project or program. The M&E plan helps to ensure that the project or program is on track to achieve its goals and objectives, and that resources are being used efficiently.

An M&E plan typically includes:


A description of the project or program, including its goals, objectives, and target population. This should provide a clear and concise overview of the project, including its purpose, intended outcomes, and the specific groups of people or communities that it is intended to benefit.


A description of the indicators that will be used to measure progress and evaluate the project or program. Indicators are specific, measurable values or quantities that can be used to track the progress of the project or program. They should be chosen carefully to ensure that they accurately reflect the goals and objectives of the project, and can be easily collected and analyzed.


A schedule for collecting and analyzing data on the indicators. This should include a timeline for when data will be collected, who will be responsible for collecting it, and how it will be stored and analyzed. It is important to establish a regular schedule for data collection so that progress can be tracked over time and any issues or challenges can be identified and addressed quickly.


A plan for using the data collected to make adjustments to the project or program as needed. This should outline how the data will be used to inform decisions about the direction and focus of the project or program, and how it will be shared with key stakeholders such as funders, beneficiaries, and other partners.


Here is an example of an M&E plan for a community development project:

Goal: To improve living conditions and economic opportunities in a low-income community


Construct new housing units

Establish a community garden

Set up a small business incubator



Number of housing units constructed

Number of people participating in the community garden

Number of small businesses started or supported through the incubator


Data collection:

Housing units constructed: counted during construction and at project completion

Participation in community garden: surveyed quarterly

Small businesses: tracked through incubator program and surveyed annually


Data analysis and use:

Data on housing units and small businesses will be analyzed annually to assess progress towards project goals

Data on participation in the community garden will be analyzed quarterly to identify any trends or issues, and to inform adjustments to the garden program as needed


It is important to note that an M&E plan is a living document that should be regularly reviewed and updated as the project or program progresses. As new data is collected and analyzed, the M&E plan may need to be revised to reflect any changes or adjustments to the project or program. By regularly monitoring and evaluating the progress of the project or program, organizations can ensure that they are meeting their goals and making a positive impact in the communities they serve.