Food Security and Livelihood Assistant position
- What is food security and why is it important?
- Describe the steps involved in conducting a needs assessment for food security programming.
- What are some common challenges faced in implementing food security programs in emergency situations, and how can these challenges be addressed?
- What is the difference between food security and food sovereignty?
- Describe a project you have worked on in the past related to food security or livelihoods. What were your specific responsibilities and what was the impact of the project?
- What are some of the key factors to consider when selecting beneficiaries for food security programming?
- What is the role of gender in food security programming, and how can gender be mainstreamed in programming?
- What are some key monitoring and evaluation indicators for food security programs, and why are they important?
- Describe a situation where you had to work with a difficult stakeholder or partner, and how did you handle it?
- How would you work with communities to build their resilience to food insecurity and help them become self-sufficient in the long-term?